Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kamu Jauh Aku ... cr: igor’s song (?)

Another rainy day in Perth. Wet wet wet. Menggigil di scholar center (karena basah abis  kehujanan dan entah mengapa kok heater-nya ga terasa). Tangan dingin, jari-jari beku. Tapi kepala panas. No!!! not a nice combination. Yup… kepala panas gara-gara this D***** chapter (dduuuhhh aku ga boleh misuh ya harusnya… karena bukan chapternya yang D***** tapi akunya yang Dumb). Okey sedikit curhat: aku suka teori yang aku pakai, teorinya mengalir dan intriguing. Tapi (entah mengapa o mengapa  #dangdut mode: on) aku tidak bisa menjadikan teori itu jadi kerangka solid untuk foundation analisisku … #sigh #sigh #sigh.
Jadi… aku pindah duduk ke dekat jendela besar2 di scholar center untuk cari ‘pemandangan’ baru. Ini salah satu enaknya kerja di scholar center waktu term-break. Bisa cari posisi strategis untuk refreshing tanpa harus merasa bersalah karena occupy tempat orang lain. Heh.
Yeahhh… memandang keluar jendela: hujan deras… brrrrrr tambah mengigil. Tapi… whoooaaaa… ada pemandangan indah. Sekelompok orang sedang berdiri dipinggiran gedung, berteduh dari hujan, sambil mengobrol. (Hahahahaha. Aku baru sadar kalau aku menulis bahwa aku melihat pemandangan ‘indah’ orang2 yang kehujanan ya? Mungkin terlalu lama mengerjakan thesis membuatku jadi SM… Keh). Dan  yang paling membuat hati ini menggelepar (bwahahaha… pilihan kata2ku hari ini bener2 serammmm…) adalah bahwa (?) orang-orang itu memegang gelas kopi take away. OUCCCHHH NOOOO!!! …
Scholar center ini menyenangkan, aku krasan dan nyaman kerja di situ. Tapi ada satu aturan (yang kadang) aku pikir unfair: tidak boleh bawa makanan dan minuman ke tempat kerja kecuali air putih. Kalau mau makan minum harus ke tempat lain: turun ke ground floor. Ada bagusnya buat aku yang suka ‘nyampah’ ini… meja kerjaku jadi bersih dan nyaman untuk kerja. Tapi menderitanya ya kaya sekarang ini, menggigil kedinginan sambil melihat orang-orang minum kopi di kejauhan (aku ada di lantai 2). The fact that  aku masih juga belum menulis sepatah kata pun ke chapter-ku membuatku malas (+feel guilty) untuk turun ke ground floor sekedar untuk cari kopi. Yeeeahaaha… hari ini aku complicated…
Akhirnya kuputuskan untuk: membuka tab baru di Mozilla firefox (hahahahahha… another unproductive act … I know… but I can’t help it… udah latah…). Mengetik: youtube… another tab lagi, mengetik:… another tab lagi, mengetik: twitter … another tab lagi, mengetik: facebook … , another tab lagi, mengetik:
Click… click… click … semua tab aku buka tanpa bermaksud membaca … Cuma biar pikiran ini occupied aja … (see … betapa kacaunya aku hari ini). Click… aku buka facebook… click aku buka facebook page-ku. Atas sendiri ada tag note berjudul “Kamu Jauh Aku” …
… karena tag note ini dari igor… aku pikir ini pasti lagu… (No?) … dan biasanya dia bikin lagu lucu … maka click … aku buka note-nya… ternyata bukan lagu lucu. Ini tentang igor yang ingin mengirim lagu ke fans-nya yang dia tidak tahu namanya dan tidak tahu dimana (huh???) tapi yang sangat menyukai lagu2nya … dan blah blah blah.  Cukup devastating membaca note-nya dengan kondisi kedinginan begini…
Lo Behold! Kalau “beauty is the eyes of the beholder”, aku bisa bilang “meaning is in the head of a reader”… Sekalipun aku ga connect dengan lagu itu, tapi aku suka judulnya: Kamu JAUH Aku …
KAMU JAUH AKU oooooOOOOooooo KOPI-ku …
Aku mulai chanting judul itu: “Kamu jauh aku … ooo… kamu jauh aku …” sambil memandang sedih keluar jendela, ke arah gelas-gelas kopi yang dipegang orang-orang yang berteduh dipinggiran gedung …
PS. Andai menulis chapter bisa secepat aku menulis posting ini, aku akan sangat bahagia. But again, you can’t push your luck ya…???

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I am a S/D,VGSOH, G/L, DTE, S/B, FIN/SEC person

Fancy reading classified advertisements? Ever felt dumb when not understanding the content? These are the abbreviations and their meanings as provided by Western Suburbs Weekly, WA.

N/S- Non Smoker
N/D- Non Drinker
S/S- Social Smoker
S/D- Social Drinker
GSOH- Good Sense of Humour
VGSOH- Very Good Sense of Humour
T/D/H- Tall, Dark, Handsome
G/L- Good Looking
REA- Reasonable
ALA- All letters Answered
ARA- All Replies Answered
DTE- Down to Earth
M/B, S/B- Medium Build, Solid or Slim Build
FIN/SEC- Financially Secure
NOR- North of River
SOR- South of River

So… I can see that I am a S/D,VGSOH, G/L, DTE, S/B, FIN/SEC person… plus may also become a S/S person when the time and place are right…

What are you???

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Namanya juga "scarf", ya kecil ...

Me again with my stupid idea about "thing..."

This winter is crazy ... During my three years in Perth, never have I experienced a totally wet and .... cold winter ....

Isn't winter supposedly cold? ... yeahhhh yuuuppp ... but not in Perth (as far as I experienced)... for it was usually lots milder than this year.

I don't usually have to wear any 'winter clothes' during my winter in Perth, just have to wear shoes (not 'sandal jepit') plus not forget to wear my lovely UWA hoodies... those would do ...

But this year, I think I am in need of an extra item: 'scarf' to warm my neck and shoulder.

Yesterday, I went shopping with my friend, Ibu Cessy. My eyes was caught by a beautiful scarf, but sadly, I thought the scarf was not big enough to warm my neck and shoulder. I kept finding nice and beautiful scarfs but I always put them aside with the same reason: not big enough for me.

Until finally Ibu Cessy said patiently, "Ke, namanya juga scarf, ya kecil..." (Ke, scarf is always small.)

And I started to laugh ... yeah ... I was lucky because I had Ibu Cessy with me, not Goen... because I trust that in the same situation he would say, "Nek kurang amba, suk neng kampus nggawa jarik apa kemul wae..." (If it is not big enough for you, next time when you go to the uni, just bring your 'jarik' (a Javanese traditional long cloth) or your blanket.)

:D :D :D

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Forgive me

The candle is burning fast
And we are racing through the time
But I fail
I can’t take it no more

Don’t say that I’ve never tried
That’s a lie
Fighting for our love this far
Is the hardest struggle I’ve ever done

Do what I have to do now
Put it down and move on
Leave it the way it is
Before it breaks me apart

If someone else picks it up
I don’t mind
Cause I’ve got nothing to lose
I’ve given up my fight

Forgiveness is all I ask from you
For not able to keep
What we’ve started together
I guess it’s the best for us

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I am happy for Danty (Faculty of Letters, Soegijapranata Catholic University student)

In this gloomy morning with shower and cold breeze, I could do nothing more but trying to fight my frozen brain. Even a cup of hot tea didn’t do me any good… only gave me an urge to obey the nature's call… hehe …
Then, came a text message:
“bun! Got third place! Couldn’t believe until now!”
td jurinya 5, dr law 1, management 2, dr leadership 2, hampir mati pas  prsntsi.” (there were 5 judges: 1 from Law, 2 from Management, 2 from Leadership, I was scared to death when I did my presentation).
And my mood suddenly lighted up …
It was from Danty. She told me about the result of Business Plan Competition she had to fight for.
Ooooo … I am so happy for her … as well as I feel relief …
Business Plan Competition was the final assessment in the Entrepreneurship, a subject she took in Handong University, South Korea.
Since the very beginning she was worried about that subject because (she told me) the lecturer said in the introductory session that 1/3 of the students would drop out from this subject before the end of the semester; even when they decided to stay, not many students would be able to pass the subject; and getting  a ‘C’ was expected (and this was good). With its demanding weekly assignment, this particular subject was a pain in the a** for Danty (so she said).
She shared her worries a couple of times when we happened to meet online. She said once that she thought she picked up a wrong subject, a difficult one (even for the local students).  A mistake that I (reluctantly to admit) had a share in.  
When she chose the subjects to take in Handong University, she asked for my share of thought. She was confused about the subjects to take as well as the schedule. Her choice was limited to subjects offered in English (100%). She could not take the subjects taught in Korean because with the language presented in Hangul, it definitely meant ‘suicide’. :D
I had no clue about the best subjects. So… two clueless heads scrambled to figure out the subjects to take. Apart from trying to fit in the schedule, this act of choosing (at least in my side) was ended by doing, ‘Eenie-Meenie-Minie-Mo’ … gotcha… haha… Personally, I felt that Entrepreneurship (as a subject) was kind of fancy (right?). So her miserable feeling about the subject raised a (tiny bit of) my guilty feeling.
The good thing was she told me that she didn’t want to give up though it was killing. She was knee deep in this subject. And as a part of my ‘responsibility,’ my support for her sometimes went patriotically extreme (I wish not to share my comments for her here… but one in a softer tone would go like “Tunjukkan kalau orang Indonesia tidak kalah sama orang Korea”)
AND my heart danced when she told me that she got A THIRD PLACE in that BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION!!!
Good Job Danty…!!! You prove that Indonesian, especially Soegijapranata Catholic University student, (and extra particularly) Faculty of Letters student, is a world class student (promotion mode: on).  
Who’s next?????

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Kupijakkan kaki ini ke tanah kuat-kuat agar aku tak berlari ke arahmu
Kukepalkan tanganku erat-erat agar tak bergerak memelukmu
Kupalingkan mukaku jauh-jauh agar aku tak menangis di depanmu
Kutikam hati ini dalam-dalam agar aku tak mencintaimu