Menanggapi pernyataanku, "Ndak libur Bun. Phd student pantang libur. Haram hukumnya."
Danty menjawab, "Aku mau bobo siang deh... I'm bachelor student jd blh bobo siang ohohoho." ...
Aaaahhhh ... bahagianya jadi anak muda.
Sebelumnya Danty kirim text ke aku:
"Aku habis jd juri karaoke, fashion show, sm menghias bolu di tk kak Seto... Hehe dlm rangka hari Kartini xixixi.. Ank kecil lucu2 ya ...oon wkwkwkwkkwk ...
Aaahhhhh... bahagianya jadi anak kecil yang tidak takut untuk terlihat bloon dan bodoh ...
Chasing Dreams: Angelika: Hafalkanlah pepatah Count Your Blessings. Stay positive on your Indonesia, count the blessings. Many of the jelek aspects will slowly disappear.
Sure, there are problems. Where are there none? But what nation so sincerely adopts into its multi-talented national mind the religions, ethnic groups, cultures and skills...the mix is not yet complete but it is extraordinary and rich...and I have not yet included the natural beauty of the people and the geographic settings. China cannot match you, the people must tunduk (while they count their wealth) so that is not freedom.Not the UniSoviet (almarhum!) not Yugoslavia, not the Arab League...all gone, or still trying to be free. Africa? Mostly twenty years behind you, and not getting ahead.
You now understand a little of Surabaya: that story is yet to be fully told. It is a passionate love story, with an abundance of sadness, but also with cascading brotherly and sisterly love that transcended all heartbreak and moved all sukus to come and figh the fight the Arek Suroboyo began.
Surabaya was first, yes, first in the world (not just the region) to cling to its new Merdeka when elsewhere the armies were marching in and killing dreams of dreedom...Hungary, Poland, Latvia, many others got trampled, but not Surabaya...they won freedom in the city then took it to the rural areas...the people waved a little red and white flags and smiled and spoke freely for the first time ever. Never before had they felt that freedom, especially under the Japanese who were far worse than the Dutch.
Look at the United Nations "emerging nations" over the twenty years after 1945...India, Malaya, Burma, Vietnam ( Pakistan broke in two) were all far, far behind the People of Indonesia who came to fight in Surabaya. They did not fight for some overseas totalitarian monster like stalin or Mao, as many other movements like North Korea and Cuba did, but for their own Indonesian freedom.
You are fortunate to have two intellectual lives, you are free to make comparisons, and enjoy living in both places over the next years. But do try counting your blessings...your grandparents deserve the honor of you putting your intellectual prowess into achievements at home as well as abroad.
- Drs Seberang-Menyeberang
Thank you for your comment and support... I'll try to stay positive on Indonesia. I love my country. Although every time I read today's newspaper (Indonesian newspaper) I can't help feeling sad and irritated.
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